Follow up project - E+ Round-Trip Online Preparation for Young People
Summary of the follow-up project “E+ Round-Trip Online Preparation for Young People”
This project, “E+ Round-Trip Online Preparation for Young People” is the third part of a trilogy which started with “The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker” which had great positive results in terms of indicators, continued with “Online Training Courses for E+ Youth Workers” in order to arrive now to a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment and takes the results on a higher level and connects them with young people as well.
Shall we?
Are you ready for enrolment? You can APPLY by creating the user account here HERE:
Once you have the account, the courses are accessible in four languages: English, Romanian, Italian and German.
You will find in this new journey, in 2020-2021, online modules for: